

Oral Cancer Fellowship.

Trainees those who opt for this class will be given various Pre clinical and clinical training followed by live surgeries on patients under the supervision of experts . Prior the live surgeries various theoretical discussions are conducted in which , students take part in discussions, treatment planning sessions and tumour board meetings. As the meetings are conducted in collaboration with the allied specialities like Maxillofacial Onco surgery, radiation oncology, medical oncology, reconstructive microsurgery, oral radiology and oral pathology, the students are exposed to such brainstorming sessions periodically.

These kind of sessions enhance the knowledge in the field and wisdom to select the treatment.


Reconstructive microsurgery Fellowship

Orofacial reconstruction is the most challenging and intricate process as it involves multiple steps and thus requires profound training to handle patients. SOCI offers both Pre clinical and clinical hands on training for the aspirants. The training teaches how to select the mode of reconstruction, customise the treatment based on the defects and also trains the students to meticulously execute the procedure. As the training is provided simultaneously on preclinical and clinical situations, the students can sharpen their skills within a short span of time.